"When There Are No Words."
EMDR for Early Trauma and Neglect in Implicit Memory
February 23-24, 2020 | Phoenix, AZ

The workshop addresses some of the most difficult challenges of using EMDR with individuals with affect dysregulation, somatic distress, and attachment injuries from early trauma and neglect. The methods efficiently empower clients with resources for containment, safety, and increased affect tolerance; and systematically target and reprocess early disturbance for which there may be no explicit memories (more details provided on www.melonstretcher.com.)
Identify challenges to applying EMDR to early developmental trauma.
Be able to demonstrate how to educate the client for early trauma processing.
Describe how to re-install affective resources without accessing disturbing material.
Describe how to target early disturbance held in implicit memory.
Be able to demonstrate newly learned interweaves to stimulate blocked processing.
Describe imaginary interweaves used to repair unmet developmental milestones.
Identify four sources of non-verbal information that tell the preverbal trauma story.
Describe how the identification of negative cognitions and the installation of positive cognitions are different in preverbal trauma work.
SPEAKER | Sandra Paulsen, PhD
Dr Sandra Paulsen PhD has been a clinical and consulting psychologist and senior practitioner and instructor of advanced EMDR procedures since 1992. She has authored several books/publications. Check out her recently published children's book, "All the Colors of Me: My first Book About Dissociation", co-authored with Ana Gomez, and a new book to accompany this workshop, "When There Are No Words: Repairing Early Trauma and Neglect From the Attachment Period with EMDR Therapy". Sandra delivers workshops worldwide. To date, she has presented in Asia. UK., Canada,. Brazil, So. America, and numerous locations throughout the United States. Her clinical practice is limited to brief intensive work on a forested island near Seattle.
“I appreciated this integrated approach. Including Ego State and EMDR. Presenter was knowledgeable and entertaining.”
14 CE Credits with ce-classes.com
14 Credits Approved through EMDRIA​
This is an advanced seminar for licensed psychologists, therapists and mental health interns, with FULL completion of EMDRIA-approved Basic Training (required).
All registrations are subject to verification of training. If you are deemed to be underqualified, your registration will be cancelled and your account will be credited less any credit card processing fees accrued by Tetreault Advanced Seminars
CE-Classes.com and Tetreault Advanced Seminars are cosponsors of this program.
CEs are approved and provided by ce-classes.com. Certificates are awarded online after completion of the workshop. Participants print their own certificate after registering at ce-classss.com, entering a key code, and completing an evaluation form. Licensed professionals should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval.
Attendance at entire workshop is required to receive credit.
Ce-Classes.com is approved by:
Ce-Classes.com is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Ce-Classes.com maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) www.aswb.org Approved Continuing Education Program (ACE). Approval Period: 1/5/17 – 1/5/19. (Provider # 1142) Ce-Classes.com maintains responsibility for the program. Social Workers should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval.
The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Provider #852 BAP-Expires 3/31/2019
California BBS: Ce-Classes.com is approved to provide continuing education by the following professional organizations: ASWB and APA. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences, BBS, recognizes relevant course work/training that has been approved by these nationally recognized certifying bodies to satisfy renewal requirements.
The California Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (CAADAC) Provider Number OS-12-174-1116 Expires 11-2018
The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners, Continuing Education Provider – 5674 expires 4/30/2019.
The Texas Board of Professional Counselors, Continuing Education Provider – 1622 expires 2/28/2019.
Massachusetts Authorization Number: (TBD)
Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board – Provider # RCST031201 Expires 5/31/2019
The Florida Board of Nursing (CE Provider #: 50-4896) Expires 10/31/2018 Do not send certificates to the Florida Board of Nursing. You must keep this certificate for 4 years.
The California Board of Registered Nursing. CEP 15647 Expires 11/30/2018
New York Social Work Board NYSED Provider #120
Registration 8-8:30am
Lecture 8:30-12:15pm
Lunch (on your own) 12:15 - 1:30pm
Lecture 1:30-5:00pm
$350 THROUGH 1/7/18
$390 THROUGH 2/4/18
$425 AFTER 2/4/18
There is a $50 discount for those employed by a non-profit 30+hrs/week . Must register at the listed rate, then fax or email a letter from supervisor on letterhead, and the $50 saving will be refunded just prior to the workshop date.
Registration fees, less a $50 processing fee, are refundable if requested a minimum of 30 days prior to event.
Grievances must be submitted to Tetreault Advanced Seminars in writing. All grievances will be responded to within 14 days from date of submission.
Ottowa University
9414 N. 25th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85021
This workshop is held in facilities which are in compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Please contact us at 928.771.9422 if special accomodation is required.